reiki for health
  • Affirmations for sleeping

    Affirmations for sleeping

    This is an affirmation for sleeping that you can use for an audio or whatever. Sleep affirmations • “I fully appreciate my natural ability to fall asleep quickly and easily.” • “I naturally allow myself to fall into a deep, satisfying sleep.” • “I naturally sleep through the night and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.” • “Every muscle and cell in my body loves the nourishment from a good night’s rest.” • “I am grateful for my ability to naturally let go of stress.” • “Each night I find it easier and easier to fall asleep.” • “At bedtime, I easily let go of all daily worries.” • “I am in complete control of my sleeping patterns.” • “I love waking up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.” • “With each deep, mindful breath that I take, a great night’s rest becomes easier.” • “I am calm, peaceful, and deeply relaxed. The perfect bedtime recipe.” • “A great night’s rest is natural for me. And for this, I am grateful.” • “My mind is calm, my body is relaxed. It is time for sleep.” • “Sleeping deeply is normal for me.” • “I have earned my rest for tonight.” • “I…

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