reiki for health
  • Reiki Hand Positions You Can Use on Yourself and Others

    Reiki Hand Positions You Can Use on Yourself and Others

    Do you have reiki hands? In other words, reiki hands that can channel the universal life force energy given them from a reiki attunement? Reiki hands are a simple but highly effective form of hands on healing with an energy modality. Reiki is a holistic helping therapy that can work wonders on you and on others. Reiki hands can actually be learned by anyone with an open mind and a drive and willingness to learn. Bottom line is reiki and the use of reiki hands is a spiritual practice which does not really belong to any religion, but comes instead directly from the ultimate Divine Source. Now you may be thinking that is a lot of hogwash. We highly recommend you try it. It will not hurt you, and you will then experience for yourself what this healing art is really about. Are there other healing modalities that use energy? Yes, but reiki and reiki hands differ because they require you to receive an attunement to be able to fulfill your abilities. It's not difficult, and can make some really powerful changes in your life and in your ability to help others. Reiki and as a consequence of being attuned,…

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