reiki for health
  • The Five Reiki Tenets

    The Five Reiki Tenets

    The five tenets of Reiki were adapted by Mikao Usui who was a reader of the works of Emperor Meiji. These principles came straight out of Meiji's writings. Usui took these principles a step further and incorporated them into his Reiki practice. The good news is you do not have to be studying Reiki to apply these principles to your life. The first principle is "Just for today, I will not worry." This is probably the toughest principle listed. It is hard not to worry about things which we have no control over. But in meditation and prayer, we can learn to hand those worries over to a higher life force and become more open to trust and have faith about th world we live in. The second principle is "Just for today, I will not anger." Sometimes when we get angry, we need to figure out what is causing the real issue. Is the person who cut in front of you or is it the person in line at the store with ten returns? Sometimes we can find behavior in other people that mirrors our own self. That is sometimes hard to accept. Look at other people as teachers…

  • What is Reiki Energy?

    What is Reiki Energy?

    Reiki energy is often referred as an essence, symbolizes power, a transcendental spirit and universal. What makes this different from other forms of alternative healing is that those who possess this power use their hands in curing someone of an illness. Even the masters themselves cannot explain fully how this works but can only describe it as linking with a cosmic radiant energy that is applied by the practitioner to themselves, to plants, animals and other human beings even over a great distance. The Reiki energy is drawn through the channel and not sent. In fact, we all have this with us and all we have to do is undergo an attunement process in order for us to heal ourselves or others. Once you have attained level one, you will be able to detect energy problems that can already tell you if there is an organic problem in your body or with someone else. As your level of experience goes up, your power becomes stronger and those who want to teach what they have learned to others will have to become masters. One thing you have to remember about Reiki energy is that it cannot be controlled by the mind.…

  • What is a Reiki Attunement?

    What is a Reiki Attunement?

    Most Reiki practitioners allow the energy of Reiki to flow through their hands and into the patient they are working on at the time. It is an attachment to the Universal Life Force that they are accessing to bring this healing power to people. As the practitioner goes through the many attunements for each level of Reiki, they will also learn the symbols that are drawn and repeated for maximum healing. Each level has its own symbols. Each attunement received by the student raises them to a higher frequency. The attunement can only be given by a Reiki Master because their connection to the Reiki frequency is so high that they can help you connect to it as well. An well known example is tuning in a radio station. You have listened to one all your life, but now want to go to another new higher one. Such is Reiki, you are just moving from one vibrational frequency to the next. As this happens, you become more aware and more attuned to may things. You will start to notice it a little at a time. Maybe you are more empathetic or maybe you can attract wildlife wherever you go. You…

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