reiki for health
  • Quit smoking affirmations

    Quit smoking affirmations

    These affirmations are for quitting smoking, for your audio or whatever you choose to use it for. Quit Smoking Affirmations • “My lungs are clean and healthy.” • “I love breathing fresh, nourishing air.” • “I care for and respect my body.” • “All of my thoughts are focused on what serves my highest mental, physical, and spiritual good.” • “My will power is limitless. For that, I am thankful.” • “My cravings weaken with every deep, mindful breath that I take.” • “People admire and support my decision to live a smoke-free life.” • “I am grateful for my always increasing health.” • “My health is getting better every day.” • “Being addiction-free, my positive self image is magnified 100 times.” • “I love engaging in beneficial habits that support my well-being.” • “Being free of the smoking habit makes me feel incredible.” • “Being nicotine free has renewed my life.” • “With every breath my lungs renew themselves.” • “Now that I am smoke-free, my lungs work increasingly better with each clean, nourishing breath.” • “All aging in my body is now being rapidly repaired.” • “Now that I am smoke-free, my teeth are whiter and my gums…

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