reiki for health
  • Cleanse and Clear Your Crystals

    Cleanse and Clear Your Crystals

    Clearing a gemstone or crystal is key right after purchase. It may have many things attached to it on its way to be yours. A cleared crystal will feel bright and positive. If it feels hot and heavy, it probably needs to be cleared. Sea salt is the best way to clean your crystals. It will dispel any disease and negativity. It is also used as a psychic and physical disinfectant. It can be mixed with water or used dry. Place t stones in the container and let them soak overnight. If you are lucky enough to live by the ocean, you can bring the salt water in a jar and soak your crystals in it overnight. The light of the moon is also a powerful cleansing agent for stones. Place the stones outside during a full to new moon. Place necklaces in tree branches where the moon will be sure to hit them. The waning moon is a good time to dispel any negative energies from the stone. Don't place them in sunlight ever. The sun can fade the intricate color from the stones. It can also cause cracking or internal damage if they are left out too long…

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