reiki for health
  • The Complete Guide To The 7 Chakras

    The Complete Guide To The 7 Chakras

    The Throat chakra correlates to that part of the mind that expresses and communicates. It can be any form of communication that the person is comfortable doing -- Art, music, painting, sculpture, and poetry. This chakra also encourages listening to one's own intuition and following the voice that leads you. After a while, you will the Universe supporting you in all that you do. Parts of the body associated with this chakra are throat, shoulders, arms, and hands. The color associated with this chakra is Sky Blue. The Brow chakra is associated with the spiritual view and the Being within. This is also the unconscious mind that directs our actions and our life. From here, we can become aware of the motivation behind our actions. ESP is associated with this third eye chakra as well. It is the set of all our inner senses integrating with our outer senses. The element here is the Inner Sound. This is listening to your own self without the outside physical world involved. The color associated here is Lapis Lazuli. The Crown chakra is mostly concerned with unity or separation issues. This is our root with our father. Not just our earthly father, but…

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