reiki for health
Quit drinking affirmations

Quit drinking affirmations

most powerful reiki training

These affirmations you can use for your hypnosis audio or whatever you choose to use it for.

Quit Drinking Affirmations

• “I can easily deal with anything that comes my way.”

• “Whatever impulses arise within me are instantly recognized, understood, and released.”

• “I love being mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy.”

• “My consciousness moves to a much higher level with each passing moment.”

• “I love taking care of my body.”

• “I am always in command of my thoughts and actions.”

• “The past is over. I choose to love and approve of myself in the now.”

• “I love seeing the world with mental clarity and pure awareness.”

• “I deeply appreciate and highly respect the natural state of my mind and body.”

• “All is well all of the time, I am always safe and secure.”

• “Everything in my life gets better all the time.”

• “People see me as a positive, happy and healthy person.”

• “My life is filled with happiness and peace.”

• “My world is perfect and complete.”

• “My willpower is limitless.”

• “The natural state of my consciousness feels wonderful. I can accomplish anything with it.”

• “I love waking up feeling good.”

• “I appreciate all the good in my life.”

• “I am naturally a responsible person.”

• “I easily and naturally release the past.”

• “With each deep, mindful breath that I take my inner strength multiplies.”

• “I move beyond past limitations into the freedom of the now.”

• “I deserve all the great things that life has to offer. For that, I am grateful.”

• “I love spending my time with positive and supportive people.”

• “I create a new life with new rules that totally support me.”

• “I am thankful for my ability to always find the happiness within.”

Date: 5/30/2021

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