Chakra Stones: Meaning, Properties and Powers
The word chakra comes from the sanskrit meaning wheel or circle. There are seven chakras or wheels from the base of your spine to the top of your head. The function of each of the chakras is to spin and rotate and keep the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body all in alignment. When we get sick or ill, it is a sign that one or more of the chakras is out of alignment.
1st Chakra: Root
Location: Base of spine
Sense: Smell
Element: Earth
Stones: Black onyx, hematite, carnelian, garnet
Color: Red or black
Sound: Do
Musical Note: C
Functions: Life force, instincts, survival
2nd Chakra: Sacral
Location: Underneath the ribcage
Sense: Taste
Element: Water
Stones: Orange agate, red jasper
Color: Orange
Sound: Re
Musical note: D
Functions: Procreation, sexuality
3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus
Location: Middle abdomen area
Sense: Sight
Element: Fire
Stones: Tiger’s eye, citrine, yellow stones
Color: Yellow
Sound: Mi
Musical Note: E
Functions: Metabolizing food, emotions, sympathetic nervous system
4th chakra: Heart
Location: Center of the chest
Sense: Touch
Element: Air
Stones: Jade, rose quartz
Color: Green or pink
Sound: Fa
Musical note: F
Functions: Circulating the life blood for energy
5th Chakra: Throat
Location: Throat area of neck
Sense: Hearing
Element: Ether
Stones: Lapis lazuli, turquoise
Color: Sky blue
Sound: Sol
Musical note: G
Functions: Communication
6th Chakra: Brow
Location: Between the eyes
Sense: All the senses including psychic ability
Element: Light
Stones: Amethyst, moonstone
Color: Purple
Sound: La
Musical Note: A
Functions: Vision, imagination, concentration
7th Chakra: Crown
Location: Top of head at the crown
Sense: All senses including consciousness
Element: Will
Stones: Moonstone, clear quartz, amethyst
Sound: Ti
Musical Note: B
Functions: Upper brain functions
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